Videogame music today.

by Daniel Rodil .

Music in videogames has shifted towards what more conventional music used to be, I'm not saying that's bad, in fact it's quite normal for it to happen, original chiptune music existed because there was a technological limitation of what could be played in the platforms that existed then. What really amazes me is what videogame music has become outside of the videogame industry. And I'm talking about Dark Synthwave...

Dark synthwave is videogame music on steroids.

Composers like Fixions, Perturbator, Dan Terminus, etc, grew on what was a technological limitation and evolved it to be a new genre, as complex as any other. When listening to these bands, you never question it is like videogame music or 80's movies' soundtracks, but the places where they take it are amazing.

I was never such a big fan of soundtracks, from videogames, movies or whatever. I always felt soundtrack music was composed for a specific task, and when listening to it, it reminded me of the source where it came from, and was sort of hollow in itself. In that sense Dark Synthwave is something magical, it reminds me of many videogames but with a story of its own.

Don't take me wrong, Dark Synthwave does not draw its influences from videogames only, there are many others sources, but the general sound it's never far from what videogame music used to be in the 80s and early 90s, and that's why I risk saying it's an evolution from it. If you are an school gamer or ever feel nostalgic about the end of the last Century, it's definitely something to try out.

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